
Centering is a practice of reconnecting with who you are at your core. We are all body, mind and spirit, and thus centering calls for connection with each of these parts of ourself. We center physically by bringing awareness to our body. By listening to its aches, pains and preferences and moving to honor these sensations. We center psychologically by tuning in to all aspects of our psyche. For most of us, this involves turning down the volume of our thoughts and allowing our feelings and intuition to speak to us. We center spiritually by getting in touch with our heart - with our purpose and connection to others. Many find that centering the body and mind creates the opportunity to access our spiritual self, but the opposite is also true. I believe that the spirit is the rightful ruler over the mind and body. When our spirit is weak, our mind and body try to compensate, draining our energy and never fulfilling our needs for purpose and connection. When we empower and allow our spirit to lead us, our mind and body follow in natural alignment. Which aspect of your self is in charge? Does your mind shut down your body and spirit? Does your body lead you to do things you will yourself not to do? Or does your spirit lead your mind and body to purpose and connection? Try this: Before you get out of bed tomorrow morning, ask your heart what's most important for this day. Throughout the day, return to your heart's desire. Simply remind yourself of that desire.

Carylynn Larson

Cary is an Organizational Psychologist, ICF/PCC Leadership Coach, Speaker and Facilitator.

Making Time


Logic vs. Sense