Logic vs. Sense

This morning I faced a battle of the minds. It didn't happen in a board room or even in the workplace, rather inside my own head. The logical part of my brain (prefrontal cortex, to be precise) was, as usual, on a roll. With my to-do list laid out in front of me, "Logic" enslaved me to business planning, scheduling meetings and responding to emails for hours. After being completely ignored for all this time, the sensory part of my brain (the somatosensory cortex) decided to fight for my attention. Like a quiet uprising, "Sense" first caused enough pain to catch my attention. My brain could no longer avoid the stiffness and stuffiness in my body. The discomfort was finally painful enough to evoke a response, and therein the battle ensued. Logic told Sense to be patient and wait it's turn…that it still had things for me to do and there simply wasn't time to entertain my feelings. Sense fought back by compelling me to get up from the computer. My body demanded movement, stretching, breath, attention. Logic finally conceded to a walk, and sensation jumped at the opportunity. And still the battle ensued. Logic countered, "Walk quickly. Get back to work. At least think about work while you're walking. Use this time productively." Sense refused to let Logic have it's way. "Walking fast doesn't feel right. Feel the rocks under your feet. Stop and look around. Breath deeply. Smile into the crisp air - feel the cold air enter your lungs and the warmth of your breath as you exhale. Let Logic rest."

This battle is nothing new, but today I decided to bring in a third player - my heart. In the midst of the battle, I asked my heart who should win. For today, my heart sided with the underdog; Sense was victorious. I returned refreshed and rejuvenated, and even Logic reluctantly thanked me for the short vacation. Can you relate to this battle between Logic & Sense? Have you ever asked your heart to mediate in the battle of the minds? Try this now: Close your eyes, and take 10 slow, deep breaths. Ask yourself, "What am I sensing in my body? What does my body want from me today?" Then ask your heart, "Do you want to honor this request today?" If you heart says yes, make a request of your heart, "Compel me to honor this request. Let there be no excuses, no reasons to ignore my body's needs today."

Carylynn Larson

Cary is an Organizational Psychologist, ICF/PCC Leadership Coach, Speaker and Facilitator.




Stepping Out