Stepping Out

We all have opportunities to step out -- to do something new and different. Last September, I stepped into the world of leadership coaching. These past eight months have been exhilarating. In learning how to help others transform themselves, I've been on my own roller coaster of personal transformation. A key moment in this journey came with defining a declaration of who I am: I'm a champion for open space - space that invites exploration and discovery. Open space invites us to to step off the beaten path; it's free of paths and trails. Have you ever been walking down and trail and felt compelled to carve your own way through the forest? Have you ever seen a rock formation, a stream or a lake on the horizon that you longed to explore? Trails entice us into areas to explore but then limit our experience to those who came before.

As leaders we often find ourselves longing after something other than the trail we're on. Even the options laid before us -- other paths -- seem inadequate. We desperately need to find a clearing. We need to create space for ourselves and for our teams and organizations to explore different perspectives. As a champion for open space, I help leaders and their teams discover the freedom that comes with unleashed exploration. What could open space do for you and your team? What might be possible if you could see the bigger picture? If you could discover various new perspectives and horizons? I guarantee that you'll discover new ways of doing business, and if you're open to it, personal transformation.

Carylynn Larson

Cary is an Organizational Psychologist, ICF/PCC Leadership Coach, Speaker and Facilitator.

Logic vs. Sense