Training, Speaking, and Workshops


Leader-as-Coach: Today’s fast-paced, ever changing marketplace requires companies to empower every member of their organization to innovate and execute. Well-intentioned leaders often inadvertently hijack their team members’ opportunities to rise to challenges by solving vs. coaching. In contrast, companies that have formed strong coaching cultures report significant advantages, including greater cost efficiency, higher employee productivity, and overall stronger business results.

SOAR: Short for “Success through Observer-Action-Results,” SOAR is an intense program focusing on the foundations (but often discounted or overlooked) of business results: social, emotional, and conversational intelligence. SOAR is based on Chris Argyis’s classic “O-A-R” model of 1st and 2nd-order learning. Organizations that introduce SOAR in a systematic way report sizable shifts in engagement, teamwork, and accountability.

Leading Virtual Teams: It’s hard enough to lead your people when you see them on a daily or weekly basis. Leading teams in a virtual environment is qualitatively different, both with opportunities and with challenges. This program teaches the psychological differences between working in a co-located space vs. working in a virtual space and strategies for bridging these psychological gaps.

Courses / Workshops

Keynotes / Talks

  • Engagement from the Inside, Out – tapping into intrinsic strength and wisdom to maximize engagement in the face of challenge

  • Growing Vertically – accelerating leaders’ success in increasingly complex environments

  • Fitness for Growth – getting the most from developmental experiences (a great way to kick off development programs)

  • Making the Leap to Leadership – navigating the transition from individual contributor to team leader and business owner

  • The Soft Side Is The Hardest – deepening and broadening social and emotional Intelligence