Subbing Out

Earlier this spring our pastor, John Slye, spoke on the act of subbing out. Reflecting on his days of throwing up his hand on the basketball court, he asked, "Do you ever wish you could sub out of work or of life?" That question stuck with me for weeks. In addition to a list of things I’d like to sub out of (e.g., from poorly run meetings to mowing the grass), the list of things that I need to sub out of is embarrassingly long. The story I tell myself goes something like this: “Subbing out is like admitting defeat. Worse yet, it’s like abandoning my team. Besides, who am I to deserve a break? And even when I’m exhausted, isn't there something else that needs to be done?” What a story I tell myself! Here's another perspective: Who am I to hoard the opportunity of being in the game? Who am I to let others sit on the sidelines? Who am I to think I'm any better, more motivated or more committed than others? Take a moment to reflect: In this moment, what would you like to sub out of? What do you need to sub out of? What's holding you back from throwing up your hand?

Carylynn Larson

Cary is an Organizational Psychologist, ICF/PCC Leadership Coach, Speaker and Facilitator.

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