
Without fail, I find that the people I work with have fascinating histories. Whether they’ve worked for just one organization or many, lived in one country or around the world, their life is unique and beautiful, while my own story seems dull in comparison. Can you relate? Are you fascinated by others’ stories while discounting the magnificence of your own? What might open up if you explored your own story as if it were a mysterious, captivating novel in-the-works? In my experience as a leadership coach, I’ve found that the exploration of one’s story is a profound and powerful experience, and it lays the foundation for development. If you want to grow as a leader – beyond developing new skills and in to the domain of personal transformation – you must start by exploring your story. Your story reveals who you were created to be, your truest values and deeply seated beliefs. It reveals the forces that have acted upon you and how they have affected the choices you’ve made. Ultimately, exploring your story empowers you to be the author of your life. It enables you to discover meaning in your past and more importantly, to speak your future into existence. Are you ready to explore your story? Here are some starting points:

  • When have you been at your very best self? When have you let yourself down?

  • (After identifying five or ten instances of each) What are the common threads among these experiences?

  • What are the most important decisions you’ve made in your life – decisions that altered your trajectory? What beliefs guided these decisions?

  • How do close friends and family describe you? Of these characteristics, which do you embrace and which do you reject? How do you want to show up?

For a deeper exploration of your story, I highly recommend reading Chalmers Brothers' Language & the Pursuit of Happiness. Happy storytelling!

Carylynn Larson

Cary is an Organizational Psychologist, ICF/PCC Leadership Coach, Speaker and Facilitator.


