Let Us Learn...More

As I’ve been speaking and writing about the concept of "Fitness for Growth," I’ve noticed two orientations toward learning. They are both necessary and complimentary. The trouble is that we often neglect one for the other…and this, I believe, is tragic. Some view growth as primarily an internally-focused phenomena: growth is about stretching (broadening, deepening) yourself. Others view growth as primarily an externally-focused phenomenon: growth is about learning about other things and/or other people. Many people focus on internal growth in some domains (e.g., spirituality) and on external growth in other domains (e.g., work). The tragedy, from my experience, comes when we miss opportunities to integrate the two: to learn about ourselves (internal growth) through learning about others (external growth), and to learn about others through learning about ourselves.

Here’s a personal example. Years ago I realized that I often play it safe by discounting myself. At first I only allowed this insight to affect the way I show up (internal growth). Later I realized that my internal growth could also help me understand others (external growth). I learned that people I’d once viewed as “self-promoters” who were “full of themselves” are actually very good stewards of their gifts. I used my internal growth as a door to external growth. When we integrate internal and external growth, we gain exponentially more from our learning experiences. To get the most out of your learning experiences, challenge yourself to let every new learning cross the “internal / external” threshold. When you learn something about yourself, consider the implications for learning about others. When you learn more about someone (or something), consider the implications for learning about yourself. I’d love to hear your stories.

Carylynn Larson

Cary is an Organizational Psychologist, ICF/PCC Leadership Coach, Speaker and Facilitator.


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