Adventures in Writing

Last summer, a friend and coach colleague, Daniel Sheres, shared a book concept with me. The Coaching Companion was to be a volume dedicated to empowering our clients to get the most from their coaching experience. When Daniel shared the idea for this book with me, I was astounded that such a book didn’t already exist. Given the investment that individuals and organizations make in coaching, and the impact that coaching can have at individual, team, and organizational levels, it just makes sense to give our clients every resource at our disposal to help them get the most out of their coaching engagements. In the past, I would have said, “Good for you; great idea!”and think, “I wish I could do something like that.” Fortunately, my coach has helped me recognize my worth and make bold requests to offer the value I bring. I was surprised at how easily my mind went from, “Good for you,” to, “I could contribute to that!” and even more surprised to find myself saying, “Can I co-author that with you?” The Coaching Companion: Get the Most from Your Coaching Experience, co-authored by myself and Daniel, was published via this week. Print editions will be available shortly. Find out more at My authorship of this book is a powerful testament to what can happen when we embody the power of coaching. Each of us has encountered at least one shift that can change the trajectory of our life. What are the shifts you’re after? [article revised from "On A Personal Note" in The Coaching Companion]

Carylynn Larson

Cary is an Organizational Psychologist, ICF/PCC Leadership Coach, Speaker and Facilitator.

A Great Move


Engagement - Turned Inside Out