Words to Inspire

After months of being physically separated from my family, friends, colleagues, and clients, I'm reminded that this is a time like none other to use our words. Words aren't my strongest suit. I'd rather show up, lend a hand, give a hug, carry a brick, or bring a meal (don't worry, I won't cook it). When I'm limited to just words, I feel weak and unhelpful.

This morning, I’m reminding myself that even when I feel weak, my words are not – and neither are yours. Our words are incredibly powerful, and we need to be using them creatively and wisely. We need to notice more opportunities to speak truth and light into others’ lives. We need to remember to follow up on the conversations we started last week, last month, and last year. We can get started with a simple 5-minute exercise. Here goes:

  1. Make it Sticky: Read or listen to something that will stick in your head and remind you, throughout the day, to use our words. One of my favorites is the song “Words” by Hawk Nelson (3 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anVweXDcxhA

  2. Find a List: Rather than making a list of people to reach out to, find a list. This might be your office’s staff directory, or a group or team ‘cc’d on an email string, don’t look too far or too hard…start with the list that’s easy to pull.

  3. Send a Message: Choose just one person on your list and send them a message – email, text, voicemail, or video. If you don’t know what to say, consider this simple fill-in-the-blank format:

    • Hi <name>, you are on my mind today. I’m wondering ________. I hope ________. I’d love to ___________.

Remember: Each word you speak creates ripples in the airwaves. Let your ripple effect multiply for good.

Carylynn Larson

Cary is an Organizational Psychologist, ICF/PCC Leadership Coach, Speaker and Facilitator.


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